
Drodo Q&A: The Update

Auto Chess 2021-03-25

Dear players,

We have heard lots of feedback after today's update. We will respond to the questions that players care most. 

1.Disconnection and crash after the update

Progress: We have initially positioned the issue. It is caused by the chess piece Ember Blade. We are now working on solving this issue. Players can try to avoid using this piece until the bug is fixed. 

Please also feedback to us with your in-game ID, platform, platform system, and the game mode when you encounter a disconnection or crash. This will help us detect the issue better!

2.Delay after a battle (e.g. damage settlement, gold settlement delay)

Progress: the issue has been detected and being fixed. 

3.No item drop after the creep round, no Green Essence drop with Priest(2), Ember Blade can be found in the piece store issues.

Progress: the issue is being detected and fixed

4." Icon abnormity" for Queen and King rank.

A: This is not a bug. The icons match our settings to the game.

5.Wrong total value display at the end of a game.

A: We have noticed this bug, will fix it soon.

6.Population and related information display in the center of the chessboard.

A: This is an optimization. We are collecting feedback for this optimization. Looking forward to hearing from you.

7.How to get the Fragments or Fine Jigsaws?

A: Fragments can be obtained from some packs, coming events, and the S11 Chess Pass on Mar. 29. Please pay attention to our announcements. Fine Jigsaw can be converted from chess skins from the removed chess pieces. This is irreversible, please think carefully before doing so. For more questions about this system, please read our Dev Log "Fragment System", or leave comments to us.

8.Why are you still buffing the Pandaman?

A: The invitation probability adjustment is not a buff but an optimization to Pandaman. The invitation chance will start low and increase depending on how many times you haven't got a piece from the synergy. The total probability will still be 12%. Not start from 12%.

We will post more about this mechanism soon, please pay attention to our communities.