
Register for Community World Cup Qualifiers Now!

Auto Chess 2021-06-05

Community World Cup is a top-level global Auto Chess online tournament holding by the official team. We are now inviting players around the world to join the event! Advance from the Qualifiers, you will represent your country/region to join Auto Chess Community World Cup II!

Registration Requirements:

1.Reached King-3 or more in last season(S11);

2.Reached Top 8 in the In-game Championship Spring Contest.

When registering, ONLY the team captain needs to submit the registration resources. One team is limited to 4~6 players.

All captains should add [Pocket Dragonest#0494] on Discord, and message the country/region you represent along with all team members' in-game ID and nickname.

Discord Link:

ALL team members must meet at least one requirement above AND need to keep their in-game national flag in line with the country/region they represent.

If there will be any further changes, the official staff will uniformly notify in the Discord channel. Please pay close attention to it.

Registration time: 6.6-6.9

Qualifier time: 6.11-6.17

Qualifier game mode: Casual (Team) Mode

Please contact us should you have any intention of business cooperation.

Registration Link: