
Online Update on Feb. 14

Auto Chess 2022-02-12

Dear Players,

There will be an online update at 00:00 on Feb. 14, 2022 (UTC) for roughly 60 minutes. Please restart the game after the update.

Patch Notes:

[Special Notice]

1. After this updating, two unique tradable chessboards - [Future Maze] and [New Year's Eve] will be added to [Rune Bestowment·I]. (including the [Rune Bestowment·I], which you've already obtained)


1. Fixes an issue whereby the amount of the grids of the chessboard [Glacier Gathering Place] is displayed abnormally.

2. Fixes a localization issue whereby some in-game texts are missing.

3. Fixes an issue whereby the cursor is abnormal under certain circumstances.


1. Optimizes the localization texts and changes the description of the new class [Prophet].

Above is the main content of this update. Should you have any questions, please contact customer service ([Home Page]-[upper right Menu]-[Support]). Thank you for your support. 

Auto Chess Operation Team